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AI for Everyone Conference

4.2 ( 1792 ratings )
Utvecklare: Magyar Telekom Ltd

Artificial Intelligence is already present in our everyday life, but as with many earlier technological advancements, many fear what they don’t yet understand. As Eliezer Yudkowsky - co-founder of Machine Intelligence Research Institute - stated;
“By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.”.
We at Magyar Telekom believe that AI and Machine Learning will radically transform existing business and production models in the near future, and would like to deepen the understanding of this new technology by bringing together different aspects.
The conference - beside delivering thought provoking keynote presentations - will allow the participants to get acquainted with the topic through concrete use cases and interactive demos. The target group of participants will include leading AI experts, managers, vendors and university people, who will receive personal invitation. The event will be open to the press.
The agenda and more information about the speakers are available in our app.